We have been following our February Kenya trip with USSynthetic and Ulterra with anticipation and excitement. Now that our group has returned, watch for a full account of their many adventures and experiences.
The girls at the HOPE FOR GIRLS CENTER (formerly I CAN FLY RESCUE) under the direction of Gladwell Wachira, have been given new hope and opportunities. These were girls who were sold into child marriages, FGM, abandoned, and abused. WHOlives is honored to help this center by providing a clean water well with your donations.
Our Impact Mission group was thrilled to see electricity at the center and SHOWERS for the first time ever! The girls and our team members planted a second garden. An Impact Mission member generously donated 2 Serger Sewing Machines for the girls to use to sew their own underwear and uniforms and earn an income. Our group also built a chicken house and supplied chickens for the girls to sell eggs and have a source of protein. We couldn’t be more pleased to share this news with all of our WELL Done community!
Lindsay Bowen from ROAM Humanitarian gave a presentation 5 different times to teachers and girls as part of the distribution of DfG kits with panties with reusable pads. We appreciate her for taking the 3 hour training and also for USSynthetic for creating the kits for distribution. Using clean water to wash out those pads will make all the difference in health.