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The School for Justice Brazil (SFJ Brazil) is a young project having only started its work in April 2022. SFJ Brazil has begun to work with 12 young women who are survivors of sexual exploitation of children (SEC) and who have expressed that they would like to become change agents in their communities. Following are the stories of 2 of the 12 SFJ Brazil participants.


Portia is a 24 year old mother who has expressed an interest in studying law. Portia was abused as a child by her step-father which has caused her severe psychological trauma. As an adolescent, Portia was living on the streets and this is when she began to experience SEC as a means of survival. Portia was a victim of SEC for approximately 6 years, and was not able to complete her high school education. Portia has noted that one of challenges she has faced as a survivor of SEC is that there is a lack of support for survivors within the country’s laws and policies. Portia has expressed the desire to obtain new knowledge and opportunities to have a better and peaceful life. Her dream is to be accepted into the faculty of law.


Valentina is a 30 years old survivor of SEC. Valentina was born on the street to her single mother. As a result of being homeless and vulnerable, Valentina experienced abuse and violence from a young age. Valentina was sexually exploited as an adolescent whilst living on the street in order to be able to pay for food. Valentina lived like this for 5 years. Valentina seeks to overcome her past and to help girls who find themselves in the same situation she was in. Valentina is currently training to be a nurse and wants to give back to the community.

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